Independent Living Skills (ILS)

Helping adults with disabilities achieve the dream of living on their own.
We provide skills training for adults who live independently or who are preparing to live on their own.
We empower people to set and reach their own goals and make choices...
Answering Your Key Questions
Hours are based on each individual’s needs and abilities, and are determined by the client’s Regional Center Service Coordinator. People who live independently usually receive between 10-40 hours/month. People who live with family generally receive fewer hours (usually around 12-15 hours/month) as the family is considered a natural support.
Services are authorized and funded by the Regional Center. Regional Center contracts with HGH to fund a certain number of hours for each client on a monthly basis.
We can help to find and secure housing and provide support with roommate matching. Unfortunately we do not offer housing or rental assistance funding at this time.
Staff can provide transportation in their personal vehicles when needed, although wheelchair-accessible transportation cannot be guaranteed. Any time that is spent transporting clients is deducted from the authorized hours. Program participants are encouraged and supported to use public transportation whenever possible.
HGH utilizes a person-centered framework, with the program participant at the center of everything we do. This means that program participants lead the services by identifying the goals that they want to work on and what kind of support they need to get there. We recognize the importance of family in each individual’s life and strive to work together as a circle of support around the person.
HGH often serves people in multiple programs. Whether receiving several services at the same time or when transitioning from one HGH program to another, we will provide the support you need. Please see our service pages for information about all our programs. For more specific information or additional questions, contact us at 619-938-2850 or info@guidinghands.org.
If you have questions or need more information about the ILS program,
please contact Lindsey Espinosa at lindseyk@guidinghands.org or 619-938-2874.
If you are interested in receiving ILS services from HGH,
contact your Service Coordinator.